Residential Campus Undergraduate Student Demographics (Fall 2023)

Demographic Daytona Beach Prescott Both Campuses
Undergraduate enrollment 7,551 3,250 10,801
Full-time 7,187 3,086 10,273
Part-time 364 164 528
Full-time equivalent (FTE) 7,350.3 3,152.4 10,502.6
Average age of full-time, degree-seeking students 20 20 20
Nonresident Alien (International) 10.2% 8.5% 9.7%
Female students 27% 28% 27.3%
First-Time Students

Applied 10,286 3,886 14,172
Accepted 6,818 2,922 9,740
Enrolled 1,931 833 2,764
Fall 2022 retention rate (after 1 year) 85.5% 83.8% 85.0%
Fall 2017 graduation rate (after 6 years) 67.8% 69.8% 68.4%

Source: Institutional Research.

Note: FTE = # of full-time students + [sum of part-time hours/12 (UG) or 9 (GR)].


Daytona Beach Prescott Both Campuses
UG First Time 1,931 833 2,764
UG Transfer 235 104 339
UG Non-Degree 2 1 3
All New Students 2,168 938 3,106

Source: Institutional Research

Residential Campus Graduate Student Demographics (Fall 2023)

Demographic Daytona Beach
Prescott Both Campuses
Average Age  27 26 27
Female Students  29.3% 31.0%  29.4%
International Students  38.2% 35.7%  38.0%

Source: Institutional Research

Worldwide Campus Undergraduate & Graduate Demographics (2022-23)

Undergraduate Graduate Total
Average Age 30 35 32
Female Students 14.6% 26.8% 17.6%
Military Students 62.2% 29.9% 54.3%
Veteran Students 16.7% 22.4% 18.1%
Source: Institutional Research. Annual unduplicated = July-June.

Top Five States of Origin (First-Time Students) - Fall 2023

Daytona Beach Campus
State Percentage
1. Florida 28.6%
2. Texas 5.8%
3. New York 5.5% 
4. New Jersey 4.7%
5. Pennsylvania 4.7%
Prescott Campus
State Percentage
1. Arizona 27.5%
2. California 15.8%
3. Colorado 7.7%
4. Texas 7.5%
5. Washington 6.5%

Source: Institutional Research

Countries of Origin (Undergraduate & Graduate) - Fall 2023

Number of Countries Represented (Residential Campuses)
Campus Countries Represented
Both Campuses 111
Top Five Foreign Countries (Residential Campuses)
Country Student
1. Korea, Republic of 32.1%
2. India 11.8%
3. China 5.8%
4. Saudi Arabia 5.6%
5. Spain 2.5%

Source: Institutional Research