Celebrating Growth, Embry-Riddle Introduces Nation’s First and Only College of Business, Security & Intelligence

In response to program growth and evolving industry needs, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Prescott Campus has combined its College of Security and Intelligence with its School of Business, creating a new collective unit called the College of Business, Security and Intelligence (CBSI) — the first and only of its kind in the nation.
The CBSI is one of four academic colleges at the Prescott Campus and will join the College of Aviation, College of Engineering and College of Arts and Sciences in offering 25 undergraduate and three graduate degree programs to students. The creation of the new college will have no impact on any of the academic programs it encompasses. Degree programs chosen by students when they came to Embry-Riddle will appear exactly the same on their diplomas when they graduate.
“I have met with many industry partners over the past year, and they have been overwhelmingly positive and supportive of this new college,” said Dr. Anette M. Karlsson, campus chancellor. “A senior executive at a large aerospace company told me, ‘This is exactly what we need in 2021.’”
By merging business with security and intelligence, the university will leverage multidisciplinary connections, for example: cybersecurity in aviation business, fraud investigations in forensic accounting, global security in supply chain management and business analytics with machine learning. Most importantly, the new structure will enhance Embry-Riddle’s ability to build industry partnerships to provide a pipeline toward internship and job opportunities for students.
"Business and industry have already aligned and merged security into a business model by combining business, security and investigations,” said Alan Saquella, director emeritis of Security and Investigations with Cox Communications. “We need workers who understand the language of business — and the College of Business, Security and Intelligence is taking the lead by providing its students the education, training and certificates to prepare them. This will have a direct and positive benefit by creating great career opportunities for Embry-Riddle graduates.”
Assistant professor Reg Parker, who spent the majority of his career working in corporate security and risk assessment prior to coming to Embry-Riddle, agreed.
“Business today is international in scope and managers must contend with rapid and dynamic change, including technological risk and threats,” he said. “Employers seek individuals who can come up to speed quickly and provide ‘value add’ to the organization on Day One. CBSI graduates will integrate knowledge of the organizational behavior of people, and supply chain movement of products/processes for operational excellence. Many of our students are offered permanent positions while completing internships prior to graduation.”
In addition to providing educational programs designed to be more responsive to workplace needs, blending business with security and intelligence will also create a synergy between those programs, making it easier for students to participate in multidisciplinary projects.
“An institution like Embry-Riddle never stops innovating,” said Vice Chancellor and Associate Chief Academic Officer Dr. Kathy Lustyk. “We evolve and produce ahead of the curve. We are always asking, ‘What’s next?’ and executing expeditious change to be first and best for our students.”
Learn more about Embry-Riddle’s College of Business, Security, and Intelligence.
Posted In: Business | Institutional News | Security Intelligence and Safety