Embry-Riddle Worldwide Campus Headquarters Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

Stick people standing six feet apart

As of this writing, March 24, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s two residential campuses, in Daytona Beach, Florida, and Prescott, Arizona, remain unaffected by the novel coronavirus. 

An employee of Embry-Riddle’s Worldwide Campus, who had not been at Worldwide Headquarters (Building 2) since March 13 and last visited the Informational Technology (IT) Building on Feb. 24, has tested positive for COVID-19. There is no evidence that the employee had been on Embry-Riddle’s main Daytona Beach Campus at all. 

Test results were confirmed today by the Florida Department of Health (FDOH).

All Worldwide Headquarters employees are currently working from home, as are the majority of IT personnel, who work in a building adjacent to the Worldwide HQ buildings, which are located several miles away from Embry-Riddle’s residential Daytona Beach Campus. Embry-Riddle has reached out to anyone who may have had contact with the individual. The FDOH is making contact, as well.

Embry-Riddle remains vigilant in its disinfection procedures and health protocols. To date, the university has addressed the following:

  • As reported last week, the spouse of a staff member with Embry-Riddle’s Worldwide Campus may have been exposed and, therefore, was recommended for testing. Self-isolation was implemented. No symptoms were reported.
  • An off-campus student who had not been on campus since March 5 self-reported a concern. We have not yet received test results.
  • A Daytona Beach staff member who had minimal student contact sought medical attention and was tested. The test came back negative.
  • A Prescott student returned to campus, reporting that a family member was sick at home in another state. The student and the student’s roommate self-isolated. The family member’s test results have since come back negative.
  • A Worldwide Campus employee who has not been on campus since March 12 reported feeling ill after the employee’s spouse contracted an illness other than COVID-19. Follow-up is underway.
  • An on-campus student reported symptoms of illness and was transported for medical care but did not meet the criteria for COVID-19 testing. The student will remain off-campus until symptoms subside.
  • Reports of illness by various other individuals have been investigated and ruled out as COVID-19.

Health Reminders

  • If you are sick, have been on a cruise ship, or traveled to any international region over the past 14 days, do not come onto Embry-Riddle’s campuses.
  • All visitors must stop by one of our many wellness check stations before entering the residence halls.
  • Always practice social distancing by standing at least six feet away from others.

Worldwide Operations

All of Embry-Riddle’s Worldwide physical locations were temporarily closed as of March 20. Embry-Riddle continues to serve its 33,500 students around the world via award-winning online programs.

Embry-Riddle’s residential campuses migrated the vast majority of spring semester courses online as of March 18. The campuses remain open, but under stringent health protocols, to serve a limited number of students who chose to remain on campus to complete programs that have federal mandates for in-person instruction.

For daily updates from Embry-Riddle, visit our special COVID-19 informational page. We remain committed to keeping our communities as safe and fully informed as possible.