Embry-Riddle Students Host 900-Plus Students at National Convention
Over 900 Air Force ROTC cadets and students from across the country gathered in Orlando for the 67th Arnold Air Society and Silver Wings National Conclave (NATCON). This year’s conclave was hosted Embry-Riddle’s Silver Wings Challenger Chapter in Daytona Beach and the Arnold Air Society Steven M. Scherp Squadron in Prescott.
The Arnold Air Society (AAS) and Silver Wings (SW) are collegiate service organizations comprised of Air Force ROTC cadets and civilian student leaders serving their communities across college campuses nationwide. The two sister organizations serve a joint mission to build the next generation of Air Force and civic leaders through countless professional development events and volunteering in their communities with over 100,000 service hours each year.
Cadets and students heard from several distinguished speakers, including former Secretary of the Air Force Whit Peters, Vice Commander of US Central Command Lt. Gen Charles Brown, Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Lt. Gen. Stayce Harris, notable Vietnam POW and inspirational speaker Col. (Ret.) Ed Hubbard, and Air Force Seven Summits Initiative Major Rob Marshall.
Lauren Massey, who received her Master of Science in Software Engineering at the Daytona Beach Spring Commencement was the National Conclave Commander for the five-day conference.
“From the beginning, NATCON was a student run effort from members of the Silver Wings Challenger Chapter in Daytona Beach, and the Arnold Air Society Steven M. Scherp Squadron in Prescott,” said Massey. “Our two chapter’s unique relationship across campuses enhanced our ability to accomplish the many tasks required for managing a successful national conference - budgets, registration, public affairs, and so much more.”
For more information on the Arnold Air Society Steven M. Scherp Squadron in Prescott, or the Silver Wings Challenger Chapter in Daytona Beach, please contact Lauren Massey at masseyl@my.erau.edu.