Business Professor Wins Best Presentation at Airline Research Symposium

Dr. Massoud Bazargan

Dr. Massoud Bazargan, of Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach Campus College of Business, won an award for the best presentation given at the 56th-annual Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS) symposium, which was hosted this month in Santiago, Chile. He presented research on aircraft-boarding and deplaning strategies.

The AGIFORS is a professional society dedicated to the advancement and application of operational research within the airline industry. Every year, a different airline hosts the symposium meant to offer the latest innovations in airline operations research. Presenters from airlines, software vendors, consulting firms and academia present their work in airline operations, strategy, cargo logistics, crew scheduling, e-commerce, information technology, revenue management and more to their peers. At the end of each symposium, the best papers and presentations are recognized by the attendees’ votes.

Learn more about the event.