Don’t Let Allergies Fool You — Get Tested

Embry-RIddle Sentinel Testing
Embry-Riddle Associate Director for Dean of Students Kristy Amburgey and Director of Health Services Pam Petrone perform Covid-19 testing on the Daytona Beach Campus. (Photo: Embry-Riddle)

In continuation of an ongoing trend, Embry-Riddle’s testing team is seeing fewer asymptomatic or “hidden” cases of Covid-19, and more cases that present with mild symptoms. Anyone with allergies should not dismiss an increase of sniffles or coughing – get tested to ensure it is not something more serious.

In total, Embry-Riddle reported 16 confirmed positive cases of Covid-19 this week — however, five of those positives resulted from testing conducted during the week ending Oct. 16, with results received after the weekly update was released. Within the timeframe of Oct. 17-22, 11 new positive cases were reported: nine on the Daytona Beach Campus and two on the Prescott Campus.

With the close of the fall semester growing near, many students, faculty and staff may be looking forward to travel and holiday time with family members. Keep in mind that you don’t want to bring illness back home to your loved ones. Keep wearing a face covering and practicing social distancing.

Embry-Riddle’s latest results are as of close of business on Thursday, Oct. 22. These numbers are cumulative, captured since our testing began:

Daytona Beach Campus (since June 22)

  • 3,511  individuals tested by Embry-Riddle (screening & contact type)
  • 1,357 individuals tested by Embry-Riddle (sentinel type)
  • 77 cases confirmed positive by Embry-Riddle
  • 19 other cases confirmed positive through external testing
  • 1 previously confirmed case

Total Cases Confirmed to Date: 97

Total Cases Recovered/Cleared to Resume Activities: 67

Total Cases Active/Under Care: 30

Prescott Campus (since June 22)

  • 1,824 individuals tested by Embry-Riddle (screening & contact type)
  • 354 individuals tested by Embry-Riddle (sentinel type)
  • 18 cases confirmed positive by Embry-Riddle
  • 16 other cases confirmed positive through external testing
  • 5 previously confirmed cases

Total Cases Confirmed to Date: 39

Total Cases Recovered/Cleared to Resume Activities: 37

Total Cases Active/Under Care: 2

Worldwide Campus (since June 22)

  • 0 case confirmed positive through external testing
  • 3 previously confirmed cases

Total Cases Confirmed to Date: 4

Total Cases Recovered/Cleared to Resume Activities: 4

Total Cases Active/Under Care: 0

Only confirmed (not suspected) cases are reported. All confirmed cases are fully disclosed to the university community as well as all appropriate health authorities. Embry-Riddle’s Covid-19 test results are released every Friday.

The university is leveraging a multi-pronged testing strategy as follows:

  • Screening and Contact Testing focuses on assessing key groups (i.e., Flight, Athletics, ROTC, on-campus, off-campus and so on) to capture a fair “snapshot” of the university as a whole.
  • Sentinel Testing focuses on students living in large group setting, where close contact may increase the risk of spread. 
  • Rapid Testing is specifically for symptomatic individuals. 
  • Wastewater Analysis is guiding Embry-Riddle’s testing efforts.

Health Reminders

  • If you are sick, or have been on a cruise or in close contact with someone with Covid-19, do not come onto Embry-Riddle’s campuses.
  • In case of difficulty breathing or chest pain, call 911.
  • Please promptly report any concerning symptoms (i.e., fever, cough or congestion) to the health services or campus safety unit on your campus:

Daytona Beach Health Services       386-226-7917
Daytona Beach Campus Safety       386-226-SAFE (7233)
Prescott Wellness Center                 928-777-6653
Prescott Campus Safety                    928-777-3333

All students are urged to download and use Embry-Riddle’s new EagleGuardian smartphone app. In an emergency, this app allows students to contact Campus Safety with the touch of a button. The app also has a locator feature that will help first responders reach students quickly.

Safety Requirements

  • Everyone must have a wellness check every 24 hours before spending time at Embry-Riddle.
  • Face coverings are mandatory in all common areas, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Physical distancing (six feet apart) is also required at all times.
  • Wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face.
  • Get your flu shot as early as possible.
  • Those selected to undergo mandatory diagnostic Covid-19 testing must self-quarantine if they are instructed to do so. (Note: Self-quarantine is generally not necessary for sentinel testing, as outlined above, but it is required for screening and contact testing as well as rapid testing.)

Please review our Covid-19 information page and Frequently Asked Questions.

Consequences for High-Risk Behavior

Any student engaging in high-risk behaviors that put the university community at risk may be in violation of student Honor Codes or Standards of Conduct.

Students who willfully violate Embry-Riddle rules will be subject to disciplinary action, potentially including immediate expulsion without a refund. For Daytona Beach Campus students, refer to the Honor Code, and in particular, the Failure to Comply section. For Prescott Campus students, the Standards of Conduct can be found here; the Failure to Comply section is on page 22. 

Any employee who refuses to comply should be reported to Human Resources, as outlined in the APPM. Faculty or staff who fail to wear a face covering, get a wellness check or Covid-19 test if instructed, or follow other university safety rules will be subject to disciplinary action.