Welcome Back, Students! Career Services is Here for You!

Welcome Back Eagles

We know that many of you are feeling anxious about how the pandemic and current state of the economy may affect your future job prospects, internships, and ability to interact with employers as we go into the spring semester. Now more than ever, it is critical for you to take advantage of the services and resources available to you through Career Services.

Industry/Career Expo

The Spring Virtual Industry/Career Expo will be held Thursday, February 25, 2021 from 12pm-6pm EST / 10am-4pm MST via Handshake. This event is open to all students and alumni from all campuses and is co-hosted by Daytona Beach and Prescott Career Services. New employers are registering each week so check the site often to see who is coming.

The format will be the same as in the fall. It’s important to note that even though the actual event will be held on February 25th, students and alumni must register PRIOR to the event in order to select 1:1 sessions with employer contacts and schedule group (information) sessions.

Please note these important dates:
Sunday, February 14 (1 p.m. EST/11 a.m. MST) – Monday, February 15: Registration is open to Seniors, Graduate Students and 2020 Graduates
Tuesday, February 16 (12 p.m. EST/10 a.m. MST): Registration is open to all students and alumni from all campuses

General Tips to Prepare

  • Complete your Handshake profile entirely (students can access through ERNIE and alumni can access here)
  • Upload your resume to Handshake as a PDF and have available in an easily shareable format (e.g., Google Docs, Dropbox, etc.)
  • Check the event in Handshake regularly for schedule openings and new company registrations
  • Continually monitor your email for updates. Also, check the Handshake events page to register for upcoming workshops to help you prepare for the Virtual Industry/Career Expo.

Please note that some companies are planning information sessions, panels, workshops, and networking events outside of the Expo. Recruiting activities will continue to occur throughout the semester as companies assess their ability to take on new hires and interns.

Student Appointments

Career Services plans to follow University protocols and CDC guidelines when meeting with students this semester, which may change based on vaccine distribution timing. We remain available to you in a variety of ways: virtual, phone, email, and in cases where it is possible, in-person. The success of virtual interactions with our team depends solely on your initiative to take advantage of them, and we encourage you to be proactive in your internship and job search process by reaching out to your designated Career Services Program Manager regularly. You can drop-in by stopping by Career Services (DB/PR) or scanning the QR code outside our office (DB). You can make a direct appointment with your assigned Program Manager by logging in to Handshake and clicking on Career Center. For direct contact information for Career Services staff at all three campuses, please visit our website.

Presentations and Workshops

Career Services will be offering programming throughout the semester. Please visit Handshake > Events to view and RSVP for events. Events hosted by Career Services will be available for you to view asynchronously via YouTube. Please visit and subscribe to our channel.

Additionally, companies will be hosting information sessions and workshops via Handshake. It’s important to check the Events section of Handshake on a regular basis. Events will also be advertised to students through weekly emails and on social media. We are on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.


Career Services also recommends you take full advantage of all of the resources offered to help you succeed in your job search. Students will soon have access to an innovative new service called Interstride, which helps international students make connections, prepare for the job search, and identify opportunities. Additionally, we offer access to CareerShift, GoinGlobal, Big Interview, and CareerSpots career videos through Handshake > Career Center > Resources. Our website is also getting an overhaul this semester, which should make it easier for you to find useful tips, links, and important information.

Career Readiness

Career readiness competencies are crucial in order to stand out from other candidates. We strongly recommend that you take advantage of every opportunity to develop skills that help you to problem solve, work effectively with others, and articulate your value to prospective employers. Your participation in career readiness initiatives such as Eagle Elevate can help you earn a competitive edge in the job and internship search process. Additionally, take advantage of opportunities to lead whenever possible – whether it’s a project, a promotion, or an executive role in a club or organization. Communication, critical thinking, career preparation, global fluency, professionalism, collaboration, digital fluency, and leadership have been identified through extensive research by the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE) as the competencies that employers value most in potential candidates. Developing these skills can span the course of a career, but the foundation should begin while you are here at Embry-Riddle.

The pandemic has certainly tested us all in ways we never imagined, but it has also provided the opportunity for innovation and collaboration. We look forward to a time when we can have events on campus again and see students face to face without safety concerns. In the meantime, we remain dedicated to serving you and helping to prepare and connect you to internships and full-time opportunities in industry.

Wishing you a successful spring semester!