Job Shadow 2024 Applications are Live!

Spring 2024 Job Shadow Day Applications are Live!!!
The Career Services Office at the Daytona Beach, Florida campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is proud to offer the fifth Job Shadow Day program since starting in 2021. The 2024 Job Shadow Day will be on Friday, March 8, 2024.
The Job Shadow Day program consists of half-day experiences at local Central Florida companies open to hosting committed, driven students to experience “a day in the life” of industry professionals, learn about various career paths and how to be successful. Through students’ testimonies who have participated in past Job Shadow Days, positive outcomes included a subsequent semester of internship and employment after graduation.
Employers benefit by having their name and brand promoted to students and their connections. They get the opportunity to learn about Embry-Riddle students, the culture and professional development initiative of the Career Services Office and have their company name be advertised on Handshake to roughly 9,000 currently enrolled Daytona Beach students. Company professionals have the ability to shape the students’ outlook on their future careers. They serve as a catalyst by providing insight on what skillsets are successful for their workplace and overall trends in their respective industry.
One student wrote of their experience, “The job shadow experience allowed me to gain a better idea as to what I would like to pursue for the future of my career.” Another participant stated, “I have expanded my network and was able to ask questions of employees in a casual manner. This latter outcome helped boost my confidence with the questions I wanted to ask. It was a great experience that was extremely helpful with my own self-confidence and anxiety.” Additionally, this student said, “I thoroughly enjoyed my experience. It was exactly what I was hoping it would be and it's something I would highly recommend for other students to try out.”
This experience allowed Central Florida companies to showcase their businesses and allowed students to gain a valuable experience that will enhance their network and ability to better assess opportunities for their future.
Spring 2024 job shadow applications are live on Handshake and close on Friday, February 2, 2024. There are 10 companies represented throughout the Central Florida community that specialize in industries of aviation, aerospace, space technologies, defense, engineering, unmanned aircraft systems, business administration, and the arts and sciences.