10 Tips to Master the Industry/Career Expo
The time has finally come for you to attend the Fall 2022 Industry/Career Expo! The Career Services team is excited for you to go to this action-packed event full of opportunities for full-time jobs and internships. Read on for strategies to help you be most successful before, during, and after the event.
Before the event:
- Research, research, research!
You may not be able to speak with every company who will attend the Expo, but you want to be prepared to have a conversation with the companies for which you have interest. There will be over 120 companies at the event in Daytona Beach, FL; download the Career Fair+ app to review list of companies and to map out your plan. *Remember there will be two locations for the Fall Expo, so do not forget to visit the companies in the Student Union. *
It is important to visit each companies’ website to view projects they are working on; you can view their career page to search for open positions as well. You can also visit their social media pages and search for industry trends and news articles that you can bring up in conversation. This information will be a foundation for your elevator speech – your introduction to each employer – and thus help steer the conversation during Expo.
Visit the Career Services YouTube page to view pre-recorded presentations on how to create your elevator pitch, resume review, and more!
- Get your resume critiqued
Having your documents reviewed by a Career Services staff member or a mentor will help you to be prepared for the Expo. Make sure you have someone review your resume that can give you feedback so you can have a strong document for the employers. This will help you in the short- and long-term. It shows that you care about your documents and that you are doing your best to sell yourself, especially on paper. Remember: the resume can get you an interview, and thus gets you hired down the road.
- Print multiple copies of your resume on quality paper
Make sure you print plenty of copies of your resume for the event. Using resume paper will leave a huge impression on the employer and will make you more memorable. If you cannot afford to buy resume paper, talk to your friends and peers, and buy a pack or two together to save some money. Some offices on campus will let you print your resume on their printer if you supply the paper yourself.
- Have professional attire
Professional or business attire is required to get into the Expo. Military uniforms, flight instructor apparel, pilot uniforms, and religious attire are acceptable. A suit is preferred; however, khaki pants and a polo/button down shirt is acceptable. Leave backpacks at home and skateboards/bikes outside the venue.
During the event:
- Maintain eye contact, smile, give a firm handshake, and deliver your elevator speech – be confident and enthusiastic!
First impressions matter; practice your delivery with a friend, family member, or classmate. You want to maintain the right level of eye contact when speaking to an employer because it gives off an aura of interest and authenticity.
This is one of the most gravitating qualities a potential candidate can have. Bring your enthusiasm when speaking with employers. Make sure you use your active listening skills and communicate from there.
- Mention two or three selling points that make you stand out from the crowd (i.e. experiences, projects, etc.)
Think about a time when you excelled, whether in a job, volunteer experience, an internship, class, or a leadership role. Memorize these experiences and include them in the conversation with employers. Go with the intention that you are there to get at least one interview and with the end goal to secure an opportunity. What makes you stand out from the crowd? Why should they hire you over another student? Make it hard for an employer to say no.
- Thank the employers and ask for a business card
This is a step that will go a long way and pay off in the end. Make sure to ask about next steps and request a business card so you can contact the employer after the Expo. Networking is critical to your professional journey.
After the event:
- Make notes on each business card collected
Jot down small details on what the conversation was about with each employer. Write down what you want to highlight when you follow-up.
- Follow-up with an email or LinkedIn connection within 24-hours
The event will still be fresh on both your and employer’s minds after 24-hours, so follow-up quickly. This lets them know you are interested and that you care.
- Apply on the website
To be considered as a candidate you will likely need to apply for the open positions you are interested in on their website. If you did not do that before the Expo, be sure to do so afterwards. Be sure to follow directions from each company since their processes may be different. Visit the Career Services Office for assistance with interview practice or further critique of your documents.
We hope you have an excellent time networking with employers at our Fall 2022 Industry/Career Expo! If you have suggestions for other companies for future events, contact the office!